Greetings from Kenya, Africa!

I hope this e-mail finds you well.  I am blessed to be here at Carry the Light’s Usigu Beach Children’s Home.  It is so wonderful to be here with our children and staff.  We had our inspection from the District Children’s Office to get our registration certificate with a very favorable result.  However, there are several specific needs that require immediate attention before we are re-inspected and submit our registration request.  I am stepping out in faith and beginning some of these projects using general funds, but wanted to give you, our friends and supporters the opportunity to give to these needs.  We operate on a very tight budget and I am praying and trusting God that the funds to cover these projects will be provided as soon as possible.

Please consider taking on a whole project or giving whatever amount you desire.

There are seven opportunities as follows:

Water tower1.  Water tower

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$1,000 – Building the water tower to elevate the 2nd water tank and provide gravity feed pressure especially during blackouts when the pump is not working.  It will more than double the capacity of our purified water. 

school room need2.  School room

$1000 – Finish the plastering and windows for the rear balcony which will provide a very large school room that can be divided into 2 classrooms.  We have an immediate need for these classrooms as we have now begun 1st grade at the Home.

kitchen3.  Kitchen
$600 – Extending the kitchen cooking area including a large vent-a-hood and chimney to remove the smoke from the building, and creating 3 or 4 grills to cook on rather than the good ole “3 rocks and a pan” method.

stairway4. Stairway
$600 – Stairway to the rear balcony

children5.  Play clothes for children
$600 – New play clothes for the 94 orphans we have in the Home.  They have worn out the original clothes from when they were admitted, and so many of them have grown so much I hardly recognize them.  This comes out to about $6 per child.  (We can’t have our children running around looking like orphans, now can we?) 

6. Fencingdrainage ditch
$300 – Add to required fences  to separate the farm area from the play area, and also a short fence to keep children from accidentally falling into our drainage ditches.

7. School fees
$150 – Required school fees for the 64 of our children who are still in public school.  (This is for only 1 semester, the total amount needed is about $450 for a year).

You can give by clicking on this link:   

Please use the “Orphanage Fund”.


Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration.  Your prayers and support mean so much.  May God richly bless you!

Rev. Greg Haynes