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Dear Friends,   

It is Sunday morning here in Kenya, and we are sitting in our living room drinking coffee and watching the children laughing and playing outside our windows.  I am so thankful to be able to “unplug” from the busyness of America, to a much more simple pace and lifestyle.  Now don’t get me wrong, those of you who know me know that I can take something simple and make it complicated!  We have broken ground on the new Carry The Light Christian Academy here in Kenya, and in 5 days, we have dug the foundation on the whole building, poured the foundation on half of it, and built the exterior walls half way on the right wing of the building.  It has been very busy, but in a relaxing way!
I say this because when you are operating in God’s purpose for your life, even a long, hard work day is a joy, and the exhaustion is a “good exhaustion”.
Please keep us in your prayers.  Later today, I am to meet with the man who owns the piece of land that our property wraps around.  I have been in negotiations with him for several months now to buy this piece of much needed land, and I hope to finalize the deal later today.
Each day, I have the priveledge of working side by side with more than 20 very hard working men of which I have led many of them to the Lord on previous trips.  There are still many, however, that don’t yet know Him.    As we work, I get to speak into their lives, and live the Message in front of them, taking responsibility for my mistakes, and teaching them to do so also.  Living life together, sweating together, laughing together, accomplishing together, and building something in the temporal that will touch the eternal avails many opprtunities to present the Gospel in many non traditional ways.
As we live a life of faithfulness and integrity in front of those whom God places in our paths, and we understand that God has also placed us in their paths for a specific moment of time, we have the opportunity to touch eternity by just doing what is right.  That makes a great statement to the world!  Even when we do wrong, if we will just take responsibility for our actions, repent, confess,  forsake, and move on, we make a great statement for the Kingdom.  A righteous life is not necessarily a life of no mistakes, but a life that desires to please God in all things.  This sends out a message of hope to the world that is contagious.  The world is longing for something in which to place their faith and that gives them hope for tomorrow.  That something is Jesus Christ and no other.
Well, as I mentioned earlier, it is Sunday morning, and the children are now in the church singing their hearts out, so I need to go for now.
Thank you in advance for all of your prayers, and for making this dream come true!

Rev. Greg Haynes